Published by Landscape Architecture and Urbanism at University of Greenwich, London

Wishing you were outside? Join daily landscape architecture & urbanism seminars on Zoom

The Landscapists Seminars are short daily conversations with landscape architects and designers from around the world focused on their design and research projects. The 20 minute informal seminars, hosted by Ed Wall, provide insights into the unique project approaches, techniques and methods employed by leading designers and researchers.

Seminars are conducted live on Zoom. They are not recorded, so come back each day – for updates on speakers, dates, times, and Zoom links see: The Landscapists Seminars


Thanks: Thank you to all the designers and researchers for generously sharing their time with us, many at short notice! These seminars are not part of a specific programme/course/module but rather an open conversation to support young people whose studies have been disrupted and who are working from their houses, residences, apartments and flats during the Spring of 2020. Thank you to University of Greenwich for supporting the seminars.


The Landscapists: The title and theme of the seminars have been developed from The Landscapists: Redefining Landscape Relations, an issue of Architectural Design (AD) edited by Ed Wall and published by Wiley in early 2020.

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