Published by Landscape Architecture and Urbanism at University of Greenwich, London

Tag: testing-ground

  • Call for contributions: Supra Scalar: TESTING-GROUND Issue 04

    Call for contributions: Supra Scalar: TESTING-GROUND Issue 04

    TESTING-GROUND invites contributions for Issue 04: Supra Scalar. Supra Scalar explores landscapes at extremes of time and space. Questioning the knowledge and methodologies needed to engage with unfamiliar temporalities and landscapes beyond conventional lines of sight, this issue seeks to explore worlds beyond human magnitudes and homocentric perspectives. If you are interested in contributing to…

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  • Launch of Testing-Ground 03

    Launch of Testing-Ground 03

    TESTING-GROUND, Issue 03 Youthhood, will be launched on Thursday 20 January [from 5:00pm] in London’s Stephen Lawrence Gallery. Join the contributors to discuss the articles that examine worlds through youthful eyes, make evident young ambitions, and aim to empower young people to design their cities and landscapes. Youthhood includes contributions by Ed Wall, Carmel Keren,…

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  • Youthhood – Call for Submissions

    Youthhood – Call for Submissions

    TESTING-GROUND invites submissions for the third issue, Youthhood. Young people are founding movements against injustices. Teenagers are lobbying their politicians to add climate change to the curriculum. Children are walking out on classes to participate in demonstrations and strikes. There is increasing concern that global elders have failed to address – and in many cases…

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  • Launch of Testing Ground 02: Other Sides

    Launch of Testing Ground 02: Other Sides

    The second issue of TESTING-GROUND journal will be launched on Thursday 27 June at the University of Greenwich as part of the London Festival of Architecture. TESTING-GROUND is a design research journal focused on research, experimentation and design of landscapes, cities and territories. The second issue is titled ‘Other Sides’ and features contributions by Eyal Weizman, Léopold…

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  • TESTING-GROUND: Call for Contributions

    TESTING-GROUND: Call for Contributions

    TESTING-GROUND: journal of landscapes, cities and territories, published at the University of Greenwich, is open for contributions for its second issue, Other Sides. What resides on the other side can cause fear, concern, intrigue, delight and fascination. Neighbouring and distant lands are destinations to visit, invade, occupy and separate ourselves from. Many territorial borders are marked…

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